Wednesday, September 20, 2023

my current diet

I wouldn't say my diet is terrible. I definitely eat a lot of sweets, and any amount of fast food is too much honestly. I live in a place where I have the privilege to completely cut out fast food, but I acknowledge that not everyone has that. Trying to be healthy as a poor person in America is difficult.

I'm going to slowly cut back on the sweets, and cut out fast food while I can. No telling what's going to happen while I'm traveling. 

I severely cut back on the pork over a year ago. I quit drinking cold turkey in January. I did that with the high certainty that it wouldn't have any extremely negative effects, as I don't have a chemical dependency on alcohol. For some people, quitting to cold turkey is dangerous. Quitting alcohol also comes with some social repercussions. Some more harsh than others depending on who you are and what your friends circles was built off of. When you quit drinking, you see how much American society is functional alcoholism. I'm 9 months off, as of this post. I didn't do it because I got any kind of trouble. I did it because I've been drinking since I was a teenager, and it's just time to do something else. I started using cannabis in 2018, and I started doing THC late last year. I do edibles, tinctures, vape, and smoke. I'm an extreme lightweight to THC.

The key is staying hydrated, no matter what. I find I have a problem with staying hydrated so I drink a lot of water and enhanced water to help hold the hydration and electrolytes.

I also started being sexually actively last year. My sexual health is also going through some changes and doing a lot. I need to do some work on my pelvic floor and some of my reproductive parts, to make sure those are healthy. I'll talk more about that after I get the issue resolved.

before I started my workout and after day one

The day before I started my workout. These pictures were taken September 19th 2023.

I said I would start the next day, but my menstruation kicked my ass so I started the day after, with my lovely partner!

These pictures are after my first workout, later that day.

The current goal is to work out at least twice a week for at least 30 minutes to an hour. 

Equipment is expensive, so I'm doing calisthenics! I'm going into this knowing that it is very common for progress to slow down after a few months, but I'm not worried about that, right now.

As of right now, I haven't made any dietary changes. I do plan on cutting down the fast food.

My biggest foreseeable challenge is how I'm going to maintain a workout while traveling in my usual unhoused nomadic way for a few months. I don't have to worry about that until October / November. I'll be back during January for a few weeks for my partner's birthday, hopefully, and then back on the road until spring.

I gain weight and my blood pressure went up

I let go of a lot when I realize I was having health issues in other ways and now I'm seeing the consequences.  I used to teeter between...