Wednesday, January 17, 2024

A year, already... (including cannabis and mushrooms talk)

This is approximately my sober anniversary. I don't remember the exact day, I remember it's around this time. Around the 16th so, it's just going to be a thing now.

A lot of the changes that a person feels when they first quit happens within the first 3 months. It doesn't feel any different from there on out.

I can definitely say a lot of other health issues have come to light that maybe alcohol was helping me ignore. Alcohol was definitely making some things worse, and not changing much else. Life is definitely different on the other side of having been drinking since I was a teen to quit at 34 and now be 35.

I'm also not doing zero alcohol. I still do tinctures, drink kombucha (VERY RARELY), and I tried some of my partners not alcoholic beer which actually turned out to be low alcoholic beer. It has less than 0.5, but of course someone who is no alcohol means no alcohol so that would be unacceptable by a different standard. 

THERE WERE SOME DAYS WHERE I THOUGHT I WASN'T GOING TO MAKE IT. Times are still hard out here in capitalism is still a very pressing issue. I never judge how anybody decides to cope with capitalism. And I recently thought about drinking and alcoholic beverage to see how I felt about it after quitting a year later. I'm still thinking about it. I'm not duty-bound to this idea of sobriety. My biggest concern is that after a year I've completely lost my tolerance so one drink might make me do a lot more than I wanted to do.

I think about when drinks were made way too strong for me, and I totally lost it and it was embarrassing. Nothing tragic came from those events, but I was definitely out of control of my own situation and that was terrible enough. Only having one drink that somebody made to completely knock you out isn't good at all.

And it's not that I'm unhappy with cannabis products. I just don't seem to have much of a threshold for THC. I can't knock back these drinks and edibles that are 5% THC like some people can very easily do. But maybe it's a psychosis thing.

I developed a migraine condition from quitting seroquel, so mushrooms have been suggested to me. It's very important to figure out a microdose with mushrooms. I'll very likely do that under some sort of supervision.

That's all I have, so far!

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